
Honz Research Institute of Pharmacometrics and Industrial Engineering

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Welcome to HRIPIE !

We are a non-profit research institute based in Guangzhou, the center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.


In Fall 2021 we are presenting a new course series for Adagio Fellow Program at Allegro Center:

Adagio Fellow Program

Quality Control Strategy of Cell Therapy

Science, The Endless Frontier

Secret of Hair Whorl: A View from Algebraic Topology

ChinaBio 2021 Repository

Ceftazidime-Tazobactam Pharmacokinetics: Extrapolation from Adults to Children

Suramin Pharmacokinetics: Repurpose for Acute Kidney Injury


Spring 2021

MA102 Mathematics

IE901 Industrial Engineering

PX901 Pharmacometrics (access restricted to HRIPIE member)

HASS Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (access restricted to HRIPIE member)

Patent Pipeline

Patent Provisional Submitted Issued
HP001 * *  
HP002 * *  
HP003 * *  
HP004 * *  

Contact Us

Address 26F, Dong’Shan Plaza, Guangzhou, China

Phone +86 135 xxxxxx 52 (replace x with 0)

E-mail hongnf(a)
(replace (a) with @)

Join us? See an example problem set tailored for a previous interviewee. See open positions at MIT Asian Career Fair 2021

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